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more Access plugin

Joomla plugin / YOOtheme Pro

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Since the YOOtheme Pro builder module is only allowed to top and bottom there is struggle to show some content only to guests or logged in users. We made this simple plugin that extends YooTheme Pro with two more classes.

  • uk-access-guest

    is only being showed to guests

  • uk-access-registered

    is only being showed to logged in users (registered)

Just add the class to a section or an element to remove it from the dom.

Login or logout to see the effect in the following demos.



This is very useful to show some nice YooTheme Pro content depending on whether your visitor is new to the site or already a member.

Welcome on our site

Register! It's free.

Welcome back!

Thank you for logging in again.


Is this plugin safe for sensible data?

No. The content will be generated in the source code and after the page is loaded it will be removed from the document.



Version 2.3.15

  • added
    Joomla 5 support

Version 2.3.14

  • fixed

    a bug if multiple classes were found without jQuery activated

Version 2.3.13

  • added

    the plugin uses jQuery now automatically if it is loaded on the site

Version 2.3.12

  • added

    wrapped up in an easy installable and updatable plugin
